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Why Did East Germany Construct the Berlin Wall?

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Cold War Tour Berlin

The event of interest is called the construction of the Berlin Wall which divided the country into East and West Germany for thirty years. First, it was constructed by the secret power of the socialist republic in Germany, the German Democratic Republic (GDR) or East Germany on the 13th of August in 1961.

The Political Context

The first cause of erection of the Berlin Wall was politics at the times of the cold war. Following the end of World War II, Germany was divided into four occupied zones controlled by the victorious Allied powers: Soviet Union, the United States, France and United Kingdom.

Ideological conflict: The Soviet Union was a communist state while the Western nations where capitalist; this came a cross bearing and influenced a conflict known as the Cold War. It was a city deep in the-controlled Soviet Zone but was also built with four zonal districts out of the four Allied powers.

The great Shift in Term of Population and Migration from East to West

When the political situation davened any further, many of the inhabitants of East Germany also immigrated towards the west with an aim of having better paid professions and better standard of living. With regard to the GDR, the state saw a tendency of that nature potentially posed a danger to the socialist system’s dominance.

During the period 1949 to 1961, over three and a half million persons fled from East Germany to West Germany. This eroded the economy and social fabric of GDR to its uttermost by siphoning off the brain and work bank.

Fortifying the Border

In order to stop additional and massive emigration of its population and to strengthen the socialist leadership the GDR arrived at the decision to construct such barrier. Berliner Mauer erst then gebärdete sich dann erweitert als das Symbol der Ostdeutschlands Einmischung auf den Bau der Mauer als Weg, um kontinuierliches hereinstrom von Menschen nach Westen zu verhindern.

Social and Economic Reasons

Although politics gave birth to the construction of the wall, social and the economic repercussions were bound to follow. The GDR implemented several aspects, which could be characteristic of the socialist state only, and which were actually regression in character, and not in phase with the people.

East Germany functioned in a horrible economic environment which, when combine with restricted freedom, made life unejoyable for many individuals that is why the majority stormed the West for a better life. The construction of the wall was wanted so that the population stays put and does not get to enjoy the rattle of western’s power of capitalistic plenty.

The Berlin wall is a Barriel which is constructed, principally, of a concrete wall; 1 meter thick & has a height measurement of 3.6 meters.

About 155 km in length was well-known separation between East and West half of Berlin – Berlin Wall. They comprised of; concrete buildings walls, barbed wire fences, gural turret and anti vehicle ditches.

In between the walls were two electric fences, and the space between the fences was mined, there were searchlights and armed guards at night. Its purpose was to prevent any person from attempting to come through the border no matter what.

Impact on Berliners

The construction of the new wall which separated Berlin had a significate affect to the lives of Berliners. What could have been done was an overnight separation of families and friends again a highly painful process. EAST Germans were almost restricted from visiting their friend and relatives in the west or even talking to them without much effort.

For many years attempts at crossing the ‘wall’ was deemed lethal, very many of such individuals died or were seriously injured. The wall served as a backdrop for which a message of oppression was depicted, and also added to the SE Germans citizens’ discontent.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall

In my opinion, I believe that the break up of the Berlin Wall was one of the most important breaks. Some people identified it with the end of the Cold War and the reunification of Germany, into one nation.

On November 9 1989, because of worsening protests more changes in the political climate of the GDR, the state announced that the gates will be thrown open. It became possible for tens of thousands of people cross this border for the first time in years or at the most within a few short years the entire wall was dismantled.

The Legacy of the Berlin Wall

It is more than three decades from the time the treaty was signed, hence the memory of the Berlin Wall lingers to the present time. At first it was used to highlight the divide that has happened at the current time due to factors of ideology and politics. Politically its symbolic interpretation is quite simple: freedom has vanquished oppression and became the wall of unification of the German people.

Thus it can be stated, that the main ideas and reasons for which East Germany had to built the Berlin Wall were political, emigration and the desire to govern their people. The social and economical factors were also observed to have presented the major threat to the results. Even several years later people do not forget how the individual fight is perseverance in bringing freedom.

Why Did East Germany Construct the Berlin Wall?