Berlin as a city with long history and rich art and culture was in the epicenter of the Cold War. The division of Berlin into East and West in this period affected not only Berlin, but the world over. In this article, the further description of Berlin and particularly the main facets of the city and its population during the Cold War period will be discussed.
The Division of Berlin
Germany after World War II was divided into four areas of occupation by the allied forces of United States, USSR, Great Britain and France. Like the city of Berlin, which was situated well within Soviet occupied zone, was also divided into four zones each commanded by one of the Allies.
Nevertheless, the conflict between the Allies increased and in 1949 the Federal Republic of Germany, known as the West Germany was born; soon after the creation of the German Democratic Republic, known as the East Germany or GDR in the later the same year. East Germany is often associated with the capital of the GDR – Berlin.
The Berlin Wall
The following years were marked by the fact that as the cold war progressed many east germans started to flee to west Germany through Berlin. In doing so the GDR with the backing of the Soviet Union built the Berlin Wall in 1961. This wall ran through the city from east to west and also from north to south: families, friends, and even neighbours were separated.
It was not just the physical barrier which separating East from West, but it was also the philosophical divide of communism and democracy. This was fenced, had strongholds, barbed wires, and armed guards on watchtower. Any try to flee across the wall was very hazardous and most often fatal.
impacts of the construction of the Berlin Wall
The negative impact of the construction of the Berlin Wall relevant to the people of Berlin and the entire world should not be underestimated.
Social Impact
People were confined to their homes and confined to their neighborhoods, so contacts between families and between friends were disrupted. Boys and girls, relatives, and friends from different sides of the wall could not easily walk over and mix with each other, attend joyous occasions, or even go to a grocery store without either threatening the security of the patrol or the guards.
This matter also had a psychosocial characteristic on the residents of Berlin. It instilled a specific mood in the characters, the division which is fearfulness, suspicion, and loneliness. It could be said that the city itself became a materialisation of the Iron Curtain division of east and west.
Economic Impact
Cold war led to division of Berlin and it had very serious negative impacts on economy. West Berlin is now surrounded by Eastern Germany territory but actually is an independent city state in the middle of this territory. But at this time West Berlin was developing because of the economic assistance from the West.
While East Berlin was dominated by the better“ utilitarianism of the real existing socialism, the GDR command economy did not provide for much comfort or quality of life. Prescription of economic policies aimed at fulfilling the party’s political agenda than that which ensures the country’s economic welfare thereby leading to shortages in most products.
The Fall of the Wall
The division in to two was bridged by the Berlin wall, which was in place for 28 years before it was brought down on 9th November 1989. It was for the first time in the history and had become a phenomenon of ending of the cold war.
The cause for the Wall to come down could be contributed to benefits such as peaceful demonstrations, new leadership in the Soviet Union and want for more freedom among the population. Itannounced the German and the union; this was the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Visiting Berlin Today
Today they are as one of Berlin’s unity and youth, but the traces of the Cold War still remain. By visiting Berlin, one has a chance to discover the city’s history and learn some more about the Cold War effects.
Important sites in Berlin where experience premises of the Cold War are Check point Charlie, the Brandenburg gate and the East side gallery featuring mural paintings done on the remaining segment of Berlin Wall.
It will help us to get the better understanding of the consequences of the Cold War with the help of the results of the historical analysis and the consequences, which had affected the inhabitants of Berlin and the whole world.