Hello and welcome to our brief introduction to the Berlin Wall and East Berlin for new viewers. For the first time readers of this topic, you are at the right destination. In this article, we will guide you through the historical background, explain the meaning of the Berlin Wall, and show you the results of division and reunion. Let’s dive in!
1. The Rise of the Berlin Wall
The border that divided East and West Germany was built by the GDR on 13 August 1961. It was a cold war barricade between East Berlin and West Berlin and was actually a concrete division between the two societies.
1.1 Dividing a City
The Berlin Wall was approximately 96 miles long, and sat largely around the West Berlin. The fence was made of concrete, barbed wire and watchtowers, and check point known as ‘death strip’ and was fitted with mines, floodlight and live guards. Such division touched several social, economical, and political repercussions among people of Berlin.
1.2 Reasons for Construction
The government of GDR said that construction of the wall divides the two countries to prevent the people of East Germany from fleeing to west Germany to seek employment opportunities and the so called ‘brain drain’. Yet, it was erected predominantly to stop the emigration flow from East to West, which was considered to threaten the socialist state.
2. Life in East Berlin
Ten years living surrounded by barbed wire and wall, in a city divided by the powerful calle ctrl – will life in East Berlin be vastly different than life in West Berlin for the characters?. The socialistic system exercising omnipresence and domination in several spheres of the people’s existence, including restricted opportunity to travel, scarcity of products available in shops.
2.1 Restricted Travel
What was restricted to East Berliners was to move to West Berlin or West Germany as they wished. This was because the government bright and Cummings’ list of carefully chosen permits and strict controls meant it was difficult to visit friends and relatives or even travel for leisure. In terms of border crossing, emotionality was paired with a relatively long and not entirely rational process.
2.2 Socialist Lifestyle
East Berlin applied socialism known for a centrally planned economy an oppression of freedom of speech and assembly. Although the regime in question supplied education, health care, and employment, social mobility and liberty where rare.
3. The Fall of the Wall
The spiel of the european Union began in Berlin and the eu splits the Germany capital the dividing Berlin Wall dropped in 1989. This event widely signaled a shift in history not to mention the reunification for Germany.
3.1 Peaceful Revolution
People power, increase in the demonstrations and strike, change of power led to the gradual revolution in East Germany. East Berliners were expressing their desire to have the ability to travel as well as a change in government easily for thousands of them. When the pressure increased, the GDR government introduced new rules on travel, thus there was opening of the border and reunification.
3.2 Reunification and Beyond
The destruction of the Berlin Wall was a thankful break of cold war which let the families and friends to meet each other again. Although Germany became politically united it also experienced an economic reunification. At present, Berlin symbolizes strength, togetherness and cultural tolerance.
4. A Reminder of the Past
Sections (remnants) of the Berlin Wall are still around up to this day as a way of honoring the unity of Germany.
4.1 East Side Gallery
The East Side Gallery is one that sees a 1.3 KM long stretch of the wall that is painted and turned into murals and graffiti. The trip to the East Side Gallery allows observing the art and the statements reflecting the ideas of the liberty and rights.
4.2 Berlin Wall Memorial
The Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer at Bernauer Strasse can certainly be described as the largest wall whose main exhibition gives detailed information about the construction of the wall. You can actually see a part of the actual dividing wall and watch towers as well as view a visitors center where you can hear some of the actual stories of the people who were divided by this wall.
The Berlin Wall and East Berlin are historical places that elicit the general message about the price of segregation The Wall tells a story of what can happen when people are divided by political ideologies and East Berlin represents hope of change as well as an illustration of what can be achieved when a unified frontier is established. Thus knowing this period and visiting the existing memorials it is possible to pay homage to victims and make sure that such differentiation is not repeated anymore.
It is our intention that this beginner’s guide has shed some light on the Berlin Wall and East Berlin for you. It’s well known that history is a great teacher, and what happened before can change the future in the best way.