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Why Was the Berlin Wall Built During the Cold War?

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Cold War Tour Berlin

The build up of the wall in Berlin during the Cold War was one of the most important events that shaped the world. The following blog post will offer an understanding of why the construction of this blog was necessary and what came with it.


The Cold War: A Brief Background

The Cold War was a time of warfare through politics between America and the Soviet Union after the Second World War. Vocabulary It was defined by this bipolarity of two world powers on the opposite sides supporting different political and economical systems.


As to the reasons of construction of the Berlin wall Following are some of the facts about the wall:

The Berlin Wall was built primarily due to the following reasons:


1. Keep the People of Eastern Bloc Countries from Fleeing

Again, one of the main reasons for putting up the wall was that some of the Eastern Bloc countries and particularly East Germany was losing many citizens to the west. For many years, thousands of people used to emigrate from Eastern Europe in search for a political and an economical liberty in the countries of the West.


The East German government saw this as a problem since it robbed them of human capital and created a self-importance exaggerated perception of the West and the forfeit. To prevent such a high level of emigration they built a wall – the Berlin Wall to make it rather hard for the citizens of Eastern Bloc countries to flee to the West.


2. Ideological Divide

The Cold War was mainly caused by economic democracy of United States of America and socialist economy of Soviet Union. In June 1948, this division was strengthened as East and West Berlin were divided more strictly and the Construction of the Berlin Wall in August of 1961 physically sealed the split between East and West.


3. Control and Surveillance

Berlin Wall provided the East German authorities power to exert absolute control over its public. They put surveillance to track peoples’ movements, controlled transport and isolated interactions between the eastern and the western part of Berlin. It had guard towers on the wall and barbed wire fences as well other installations which were put to discourage anyone from getting close to the wall.


Under detection of the outcomes of the Berlin Wall.

The construction of the Berlin Wall had significant consequences both politically and socially:


1. Deepened Division

Ironically Berlin had accentuated the split within East and West and had fortified the division of Germany as a whole. It introduced a physical alienation between families friends and communities, which led to unnecessary loss of emotional comfort and terrible human suffering.


2. Sustaining and intensification of Cold War Relations

The building of the Berlin Wall escalated rival between the United States and the Soviet Union. This physical division of the ideological difference made the conflict between the super powers more acrimonious, and produced several crises during the Cold War.


3. Symbol of Oppression

The Gotthard Tunnel for a long time became a sign of the split and limitations of freedom in human life. It proved that governments were willing to go to the most desperate ends if they are to preserve power and prevent their population from traveling.



The Berlin Wall was built in the middle of the Cold War for different purposes: inhabitants of the East Bloc countries were not allowed to emigrate to the West and the Wall underlined the political divide between East and West. It had significant impact which made division between the two sides wider and makes the tension hotter during the Cold War. The actual falling of the Berlin Wall in 1989 brought the signals of the new era of freedom from this dark age.


Why Was the Berlin Wall Built During the Cold War?