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Why Did Germany Make the Berlin Wall?

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Cold War Tour Berlin

The Berlin Wandwas a concrete structure erected by the German Democratic Republic (East Germany] inAugust 1961 dividing East Berlin and West Berlin. In this case, this wall has historical value, and to appreciate the process of constructing the wall, it is crucial to analyse the political potential in German at that time.

Political Struggles of Germany

Following the end of Second World War, the country was split into four zones of occupation: the United States, the Soviet Union, France, and United Kingdom. Tensions between the Western Allies and the Soviet Union intensified, leading to the division of Germany into two separate countries: In 1949 there were two different countries which use the name of Germany, these are West Germany or Federal Republic of Germany, and East Germany or German Democratic Republic.

The East Germany was a socialist driven nation supporting it from the Soviet Union, on the other hand, West Germany adopted the capitalist regime. The social systems that developed in the two regions served vastly different political economies and translated to major differences in standards of living. People of East Germany struggled with their economic conditions of jobs scarcity and inadequate goods.

The Rising Migration Crisis

When people in East Germany found themselves with economic problems they started moving to West Germany through the divided city of Berlin. These movements of people threatened the stability of the East German régime which had to act consequently.

Integrated economic inequality and dwindling population in East Germany deepened the crises of migration. The outflow of skilled and professional workforce compounded the problems in the East German economy, thus, indeed turning the heat on government.

The Berlin Wall: A Solution?

In September 1961 on August 13, the construction of the infamous Berlin Wall began. The East German government pat itself into believing it had to do what it did in order to protect the nation from ‘fascist’ who sought to counter socialism. They depicted the wall as a security fence that would shield East Germans from the decadence of the western capitalism, and sustain socialism.

But the actual purpose of Berlin Wall was to stop any further migration from East Germany to West Germany. By erecting this wall, it became almost impossible physically to escape the facility, and psychologically since it was made of a concrete wall, barbed wire and armed guards.

Effects on Germany and Her Population

The construction and falling of the Berlin Wall equally had long-term effects in the social economic history of Germany. The wall also literally represented the Iron Curtain and the division of Europe, communism and capitalism as well as oppression and freedom.

The fact of its existence became a critical factor during the Cold War and illustrated the Cold WAR division between East and West Germanys. It broke up families, separating them at the wall, individuals could not reunite for nearly 30 years.

As for the East Germans the wall became the barrier separating them from political liberties, job offers and westernization. However, it also give the message of stability and security for some groups and preserve their high status to prevent economical detriment from mass migration.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall

The division in Germany was finally put to an end by the knocking down of the longest Wall ever, the Berlin Wall, on November 9, 1989 after 28 years. The demolition of the wall marked the reunification of East and West Germany and was a proper sign of compelling change of the Cold War period.

Essential causes of the fall of the Berlin Wall included alterations in the political policies of the socialist government in the Soviet, non-violent protests by East Germans, and the government of the GDDR refusing to use force on protesters. It showed that the German together were willing to fight for their freedom without resorting to arms.

In Conclusion

The primary purpose of the Berlin Wall was to put an end to the ever bourgeoning influx of people moving from East Germany to the West due to economic and political challenges. As designed it was successful in doing so, to some extent, but it also evolved to represent oppression and the division of society.

The event that occurred and led to the tearing down of the Berlin Wall brought the reunification process that paved the way to the change of Germany into one unified democratic country. The effect of the wall on German people is symbolic of freedom, unity and see the often detrimental effects of splitting political sides.

Why Did Germany Make the Berlin Wall?