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Who Helped West Berlin During the Cold War?

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Cold War Tour Berlin

Berlin preferred between the two superpowers during cold War was a major factor that influenced most of the changes in Berlin. This time unveils major geographical and political isolation of West Berlin from West Germany while encircled by the communists of East Germany. As one can see some allies and organizations offered the necessary assistance to maintain West Berlin for its population. It will now be useful to look at some of personalities and actors that supported West Berlin during the Cold War period.


The Berlin Airlift

The Berlin Airlift was one of the most significant and forward movements to supply West Berlin throughout the West Berlin during the Cold War. When the Soviet Union blockaded the city in 1948 under the pretext of trying to control all supply routes to the city in order to achieve political aims the USA with the cooperation of the Britain and France started the phenomenal Berlin airlift.


They also for more than a year imported food products, fuel and all necessities for the citizens of the city using cargo planes. This enormous task, or as people like to call it, the “Candy Bombers,” was able to make sure that West Berlin remained open for business, and supplied during the blockade.


The United Nations

During the Cold War, the United Nations (UN) contributed a good amount to aiding West Berlin. It became place for diplomatic talks and for peacekeeping actions which limited further escalation of confrontation between the Eastern and the Western blocks.


The involvement of UN was most important during some sensitive periods of the city for examples during the building of the barriers that characterized the Berlin Wall in 1961. It also came out strongly against the construction of the wall and called on the two parties to resolve the issue through dialogue.


The Federal Republic of Germany Country Information:

Even while Germany was split into East and West the Federal Republic of Germany or West Germany remained supportive of West Berlin throughout the Cold War period. Financial assistance, development grants, and political encouragement from the West Germany have offered quite a measure of stabilization and improvement in West Berlin.


Thus, West German commitment to West Berlin was also reflected in great efforts made in construction and assistance to social expenses. These investments were to turn West Berlin into a model, a paradise of the western preferred form of freedom, and a barrier to the expansion of communism.


The question here is whether we are to use Non Governmental Organizations ( NGOs FOIA, etc.).

In its turn West Berlin relied on the support of different non-governmental organizations in the Cold War period. The American Red Cross as well as the Lutheran World Federation did not leave the people of West Berlin unarmed, they gave them shelter, medical care and foods.


Another crucial function of NGOs was also the social one — they helped West Berliners to feel united and support each other against the common enemy. They engaged in theatrical performances, lectures and host entertaining sessions aimed at putting smiles to the faces of the residents particularly those who were living in a dividing environment.



This meant that the support given by friends, the international organizations, and the non-governmental organizations was keys in the survival of West Berlin in the cold war periods. Through the examination of the facts related to the period of the Berlin Airlift, the operations of United Nations, West German support, humanitarian organizations responded quite actively having provided with food and clothes, as well as educational, medical, and financial support to West Berlin starving and filled with despair to new ideals individuals.


However, thanks to these entities people continued struggling for their better future and that led to reunification of Germany and the end of Cold War. It reminds us today that they have demonstrated their values, solidarity, and international cooperation during had times.

Who Helped West Berlin During the Cold War?