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Was the Berlin Wall Built because of the Cold War?

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Cold War Tour Berlin

As mentioned above, there is no better historical icon that represented the ethos of the divided Germany more prominently than the Berlin Wall. The Wall was initiated in 1961, and for nearly thirty years’ become a physical and symbolic barrier separating East Germany and West Germany. It could be asked whether the Berlin Wall was erected only because of the Cold War? Now, let it be our concern to identify why it was built.

The Cold War: A Brief Overview

The Cold War is also known as the Cold War I or the post World War II confrontation between the United States of America and Soviet Union. It was characterized by a standoff between capitalisms and communism; both superpowers wanted world domination. After the war Germany as well was split, the eastern part was occupied by Soviets and in the west they had allies of America, Britain and France.

Historical Outline and the Reasons for Building the Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall was constructed primarily due to the following reasons:

1. Brain Drain

Following the partition of Germany several gifted people moving from east to west part of Germany in search of better future and freedom. This loss of a valuable workforce was calamitous to the economy in East Germany. This led until the East German government wanted to stop any more brain drain, their solution was to build a wall.

2. Symbolic Divide

The construction of the Berlin Wall marked the actual division between communism and capitalist in the world. East Germany receive support from the Soviet Union and its intention was to demonstrate the divided ideology and asserting power over its people. By putting up this wall, it meant to halt the spread of popular western culture and beliefs in to East Germany.

3. Security Measures

The East Germany also encouraged the construction of the Berlin Wall in order to protect their citizens. They said that it would help to safeguard the East German population from espionage, spies and acts of sabotage from West Germany. It also sought to stop any East Germans from crossing into the western part a move considered a threat to the socialist state.

4. International Pressure

The existence of the two Germanys in the middle of the Europe raised so many tensions. On the one hand, there was West Germany – a successful, freedom-loving nation; on the other – East Germany with its oppressively authoritarian tendencies. This contrast exposed communism as inept, making the world turn the screw on the East Germany administration to liberalize the living standard, and freedom for it’s people. Such pressure and confrontations could be avoided, this was the point of view that the construction of the Berlin Wall was a necessity.

This paper will be focusing on the topic titled; the impact & the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The construction of the Berlin Wall had far-reaching consequences:

1. Human Tragedy

The Wall made families and friends and other relations become a thing of the past overnight. Most tried daring escapes thus being killed or getting injuries in the process. While the Wall in Berlin represented oppression and the social reality of the division of the world into two halves.

2. Symbol of the Cold War

Berlin Wall was one of the most significant icons of the world in the course of the Cold War. It underlined the fact that there existed profound differences in the political and ideological systems which characterized the world geography for a rather long time.

3. The Fall of the Wall

A year later in 1989 the cold war clouds had started to clear and the Berlin Wall came tumbling down. People in East Germany started demanding for change through strikes and protests paving way for change by allowing citizens to freely cross the border through the/countries of the world. The breakdown of the Berlin wall marked the end to Cold war and also the Germany was again made united.


The Berlin Wall was built that’s for sure during the Cold War. Indeed, its constructioner was to tackle challenges such as the brain drain, act as a symbolic barrier, observe security standards, and reduce international pressure. However the demolition of the Wall was the victory for the unification of people and liberty gained over the divide and supremacy.

Was the Berlin Wall Built because of the Cold War?