Historical Perspective of the Second World War
It should be noted that the event which became known as World War II took place from 1939 to 1945 all over the world. This is the Case of Berlin the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany which was at the epicenter of this period of transition . Learning about World War II and Berlin particularly allows the audience to driver towards comprehending the bigger picture of the history of the war and its results.
Pre-War Berlin
Prior to World War II Berlin was the capital of Germany under the rule of Nazis and Adolf Hitler. It was also a military, political and the cultural centre where the capabilities and doctrine of the Nazi party were displayed.
The Berlin Wall
In August 1961 the Berlin Wall was put up creating East Berlin, controlled by the Soviet Union and West Berlin, controlled by Allies. This wall represented the division of east and west and more specifically the division of the Soviet Union from the west. Only in November 1989, the two parts of Berlin were joined together after the material barrier-the infamous wall -was torn down.
The Role of Berlin during world War II
The World War II brought a lot of loss to Berlin and till today it is present in the heart of inhabitants of this town. Here are some key aspects to consider:
Bombing Campaigns
The war saw Berlin as a city, undergo a number of bombings by the side of the Allies. It was to demoralize the Germans and to devastate strategic military and industrial installations. A particularly violent bombing raid was in the early 1945 during the Battle of Berlin which nearly razed the city to-read .
Final Battle of Berlin
The last stand in Berlin during April and through May of 1945, in essence brought about the end of the Second World War in Europe. Soviet forces attacked going for the direct capture of Berlin from the East which provided a big battle that became an urban warfare. The battle ended with the defeat of the Nazi and the consequent emerging of the split up of Berlin.
Soviet Occupation
After the defeat of-Nazi Germany the city was occupied by Soviet forces. After the war, the city was divided into four segments that were occupied by the SOviet Union, the United States, Great Britain, as well as France. The Soviet sector was East Berlin, while the rest of the zone was made up West Berlin.
Post-War Berlin
The post-war years in Berlin witnessed a divided city caught in the midst of the Cold War:
The Berlin Airlift
In June 1948, the Soviet Union cut off all roads which connected West Berlin in a bid to make a full control of the city. In response to this the Allies started an airlifting exercise known as the Berlin Airlift and provided all necessities in west Berlin. The blockade lasted until 1949 with West Berlin being symbolical of the western powers’ unrelenting to support the region.
Berlin Wall Construction
The building of the wall started in 1961 meaning people were separated through partitions in terms of families, friends, and even neighbors. The wall was always barricaded and protected; many attempts at fleeing were made, but all were disastrous. The most famous barrier symbolized the beginning of the changes in Europe – the fall of the Berlin Wall nine years prior to its unification in 1990.
Get useful insights on one of the most important historical periods to comprehend the consequences of the World War II in Berlin. The evolution of this television series very well depicts how the World War impacts a city and changes people forever. A trip to this city today enables one to see the effects of this period and see the developments towards the reunification of the city.