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The Role of the Berlin Wall in the Cold War

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Cold War Tour Berlin

The cold war was a long standing conflict between the United State and the Soviet Union and their allies. Which lasted over forty years had an impact on the international level. This period was marked through separate symbol, which was the Berlin Wall which separated the city of Berlin and acted as the reinforcement of the division between eastern and western camps. To achieve these objectives, this article will presents historical analysis of the use of the Berlin Wall during Cold War and its contribution to world history.

1. History of the Construction of the Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall was built by east Germany in the year 1961. Originally, the wall was built to stop East Germans from emigrating to West Germany because many people, thousands of people, were fleeing the country to enjoy a better economy and democracy. The wall was a concrete barrier and it was formally reinforced by five guard towers, barbed wire, and anti-vehicle trenches.

2. The Political and Symbolic Roles

It symbolized the separation of East and West Germany and it was the most concrete line between communism and capitalism. It represented the different systems and helped to establish that there is only a division of Germany. The wall also has acted as the channel of the propaganda tool between the United States of America and the Soviet Union since both contenders were eager to exaggerate the shortcomings of the political systems of each other.

2.1. Consequences for Berliners

Certainly, the construction of berlin wall was instrumental in changing the course of afrcians pople lives, especially berliners. It led to a split of families, and the connection between East and West Berlin. The wall affected so many people in terms of economy since trade and communication between these parties was very sparse. The wall also brought a lot of misfortune as people who tried to cross it either died, or were imprisoned.

2.2. The Strategic Consequences

The following paper will attempt to show that the Berlin Wall had several strategic or tactical importance for the United States the same applied to the Soviet Union. That set the line dividing Europe between the West and the East. The United States and its NATO partners considered building the Walling as an act of aggression and the encroachment on the freedom of West Europe. In response, the United States stepped up the military force in West Germany and in the process exacerbated the volatility in the area.

3. Attempts to Overcome the Wall

Namely, the construction of the Berlin Wall proved to be a problem that many people and organizations tried to resolve.

3.1. Tunneling

One of the ways people in East Germany attained freedom was through tunneling. Fortifications were even engraved on the wall and secret passages were made through the ground. Try as it was , these tunnels gave a safer chance to many hundreds of people to escape.

3.2. Diplomatic Negotiations

Attempts were made and the wall was unsuccessfully attempted to be negotiated by the international community including the United States. Carried out a behest of the superpowers, diplomatic negotiations sought to resolve conflicts that threatened to reverse changes in the status quo and eliminate the division between East and West Berliners.

4. The Fall of the Berlin Wall

The division of people in Germany through construction of the Berlin wall was an emblem of the cold war that lasted for nearly three decades but was demolished on November 9 1989. In particular the removal of the wall symbolizes a new era as it led to regaining of unity of the two Germany and the slowing down the end of the cold war.

4.1. Peaceful Protests

Statements 4 people’s nonviolent march, increase in dissatisfaction of the East Germans and political transformations for the dismantlement of the wall at Berlin were realistic. They stormed the wall to reclaim their liberty, and the unification of their body .

5. Legacy and Significance

The Wall in Berlin has a lot of historical relevance. Many people felt this was the end of Soviet dominance in Eastern Europe even though it politically translated to a democracy victory over tyranny. Taking down of it enabled the German peoples to be united and signified the post of the Cold War period.

Key Points:

The Berlin Wall was put up in1961 and separated east and West Berlin.

The wall represented the ideological barrier that existed between east and west.

Excavations were made by digging under the wall and through negotiations with the Chinese authority.

The major cause of globalization can be argued to be the ending of the Cold War with the breaking of the Berlin Wall in 1989.

The effects of the wall consist in the accession of Germany and the victory of democracy.


The Berlin Wall was instrumental in the Cold War because it literally and figuratively divided East and West Berlin, as well as communism and capitalism. Of foremost political and symbolic importance, the wall also won the decoupling of the Soviet and American relationship: a Cold War masterstroke. But it also led to international attempts to build a breach over it and to reunite the German population. Breaking down of the berlin wall in 1989 was a historic event as it symbolizde change towards the freedom and more a turining point of the cold war period.

The Role of the Berlin Wall in the Cold War