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The Fall of the Berlin Wall: A Turning Point in the Cold War

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Cold War Tour Berlin

Making of the Wall was one of the most significant events of the time which set the historical preconditions for the passion. The art was created at the time of the Cold War when the world was divided into two superpowers and nations of the East and West were divided by the Berlin Wall. In this article, the authors are going to reveal the causes, effects, and importance of this historic event.

  1. The Construction of the Berlin Wall

The Berlin wall was put up by East Germany in 1961. Originally, it was used to slow the number of people leaving East Berlin for West Berlin with thousands of people running away from oppressive communism and seeking political and economical liberty. The wall was constructed out of concrete and was 168 km long to split the city into East and West Berlin.

1.1 The Iron Curtain

The erection of Berlin was another act in the gradual attempt by the Soviet Union to cut off all influence of the western world from Eastern Europe. This division between the two SuperPowers being based on ideological and political rivalries precipitated the division which came to be referred to as the Iron Curtain following the second World War.

  1. Cold War Tensions

The Cold War was a time of rivalry in politics, economics and militaries between the USA and the Soviet Union. With Germany being split into East and West and Berlin being in the middle this was one of the main causes of conflict in the period in question. These tensions found their replication in the construct of the Berlin Wall.

2.1 Escalating Tensions

In the pre-wall calendar, relations between East and West were as strained as they had ever been. For the matter of the divided Germany and the formation of the Berlin Wall there were demonstrations, protests, and negotiations on the part of diplomacy. However, as the Cold War continued the dissatisfaction for change started rising.

  1. The Fall of the Berlin Wall

The drama of the fall of the Berlin Wall took place unexpectedly on November 9 in 1989. Due to mass protests and the increasing level of dissatisfaction among people in East Germany, the government stated that people of this country were allowed to go to the West. An increasing number of people visited the wall, and finally the wall was removed.

3.1 Joy and Unity

It shows the joyous celebration of the defeat of the Berlin Wall, and the aggregation of the east with the west Germans. Likes separated for decades could be reunited, and the people of East Germany could finally have the taste of what the people of West Germany have had for years.

4. Significance and Consequences

The fall of the Berlin Wall was a pivotal moment in history, with far-reaching consequences:

  • End of the Cold War: The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the symbolic end of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.
  • German Reunification: The reunification of East and West Germany in 1990 led to the formation of a single, unified country.
  • End of Communism: The fall of the Berlin Wall symbolized the decline of communism in Eastern Europe and paved the way for democratic reforms.
  • European Integration: The fall of the Berlin Wall also served as a catalyst for European integration and the expansion of the European Union.

5. Legacy and Remembrance

The Berlin Wall remains a symbol of the passionate drama the Germans went through in the period of the Cold War. Now people have restored parts of it and have made it a site for tourists to visit and to read about this important part of history.

5.1 Lessons Learned

It may be worth recalling the fact that the Wall separating East and West Germany fell which is good evidence of the certain ability to persist as well as the craving for liberty. It serves as the lesson that divide can be crossed and separation eliminated; there can be unity and evolution if people decided to do so.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall: A Turning Point in the Cold War