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The Fall of Berlin Wall: A Significance in the Cold War

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Cold War Tour Berlin


The event of greatest significance in the modern history of Germany was the destruction of the Berlin Wall in 1989. This was not only loud with impact in Germany but all over the globe. In this article, the following points will be discussed; The Cold War The formation and erection of the Berlin Wall Effects of Berlin Wall demolition.

1. The Cold War: A Brief Overview

The Cold War was a tumour between supporters of two political and economical systems in the world – the USA and USSR that existed from the end of the second World War in 1945 up to the early nineties. Cold war was a time of confrontation, competition, tension and proxy wars between America and Soviet and their allies.

2. Construction and Division of Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall describes a barrier built by the German Democratic Republic also known as East Germany in the year 1961 physically and politically partitioning Berlin into east and west. Its main aim was to keep the East Germans from escaping to West Germany which was an illusion of freedom and quality life.

2.1 Causes of Building the Berlin Wall

The construction of the Berlin Wall can be attributed to several factors:

  • Political Control: The East Germany government wanted its control over citizens so that fewer people would attempt to escape to the West.
  • Brain Drain: East Germany was constantly brain drain the skilled employees and professionals where moving to West Germany.
  • Ideological Divide: The division of Berlin really meant division between communism based society and a capitalist society.

2.2 Features of the Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall consisted of:

  • An ideal concrete wall, almost 96 miles long and circumscribing the city of West Berlin.
  • Bullet proofed watch towers, trenches for vehicular prohibition and electric barbed wire to discourage an attempt to escape.
  • Shrouds of death replete with alarm clock and with mines.

3. The Fall of the Berlin Wall

The demolition of the Berlin Wall on 9th November 1989 fully came as a surprise. It was a culmination of various factors:

  • Peaceful Protests: The mass demonstrations of East Germans in this case demanding freedom of speech and chance to move to West extended a big pressure on the government.
  • Hungarian and Czech Liberalizations: The reforms which Hungary and Czechoslovakia effected allowed people to travel freely, thus provoking the East Germans into demanding same reform.
  • Tumbling of the Soviet Bloc: In other Eastern European nations that more hardline communist governments had started to falter.

3.1 Immediate Aftermath

The fall of the Berlin Wall signified:

  • The fact of unification of two Germanies, the East and the West, into one united state which is a democracy.
  • The so called ‘peace dividend’ and the definitive stressing of western hegemony over Soviet might.

3.2 Long-Term Impact

The fall of the Berlin Wall had far-reaching consequences:

Political                                     Social                                     Economic

Reunification make Germany a consolidated country possessing a

stronger political unity.  This imposed a number of changes that liberated East Germans from their previously limited youth. 

They question is how Integration of East Germany, they pointed out that it has brought about economic problems but in the long run it has developed the country.

Eastern Europe experienced what can be described as ‘colour revolutions,’ and demonstrated closer relations with the Western world. Cross cultural exchanges shaped and promote the understanding of the East and West cultures. Many western companies gathered interest in the eastern Germany and the result initiated the economic rivalry.

As a result, the paradigm of power redistribution occurred in favour of the countries of the West, which caused geopolitical shifts. German families relations and connections were resumed as two countries that have been split were united. Money from the western countries served to restore and develop the eastern counterparts to European standards.

4. Conclusion

The breakdown of the Berlin Wall could be said to have been an historical point and an important one for Germany, Europe and the entire world. Lastly it proved to be a symbol of the war’s end, and the freedom for the German people to choose their politics and to be united. Consequences of the Berlin Wall’s demising are felt today still and is a stark indication of the latter and capacity of human spirit in search of liberty.

The Fall of Berlin Wall: A Significance in the Cold War