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The Cold War: Understanding the Split Between East and West Berlin

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Cold War Tour Berlin


The tearing apart of Berlin into east and west was a crucial incident that formed the cold war effects on the world’s politic and most important on people’s lives. The necessity of perceiving the historical context, the division on the body’s geographical scale, and the tangible outcomes must be the key to understanding this dividing line. Within this article for novices, we shall be taking a look at the cold war map of east and west Berlin, focusing on the causes, the events and the implications involved towards the division of Berlin.

Exploring the Basis of Division between East and West

The uncomplicated history of division of Berlin can be attributed to the end of the Second World War. In 1945 four allied powers namely USA, USSR, Britain and France occupied Germany and divided it into four zones. Like the Germans, the city of Berlin was also in the occupied area of the Soviet Union and was also divided into four zones of occupation of the allies.

The Berlin Wall

Construction and Purpose

The relationships between the Soviet Union and western powers acting as the cold war rivals got to their worst in the year 1961. When the veritable flood of East Germans fleeing to the West could no longer be stemmed, with Soviet consent, East Germany put up a physical barrier called the Berlin Wall. Its main function was to stop people from moving from East to West Berlin.

Physical Features

The Berlin Wall stretched to a distance of about 155Km circling west Berlin. It comprised of two concrete walls with a space (death strip) between the said walls. Some architectural designs of the death strip are open space, trenches, highly secured watchtowers, a highly secured fencing to discourage the inmates from trying to escape.

The Life Along the Wall

Family and friends have been separated

The construction of the Berlin Wall brought a lot of sorrow to families and friends who found themselves divided by a wall within a shortest possible time. East Berliners had friends and families in West Berlin and the wall constructed brought about immeasurable sufferings and broken families.

Escaping East Berlin

However, some of the prisoners tried to escape risks involved During the war many prisoners tried to escape. Techniques used comprised digging of tunnel, aerial loop the loop into West Berlin, and any other through forged passport and alias. However, failed attempts of such escape were quite often doomed, as the guards had been ordered to shoot anyone who attempted at it.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall was a representation of communism and the opposite side of the world, capitalism for almost three decades. Nevertheless, November 9, 1989 was a memorable day when the people of East Germany heard that they had the rights to move to the West. The news spread this shock globally, and people on both sides of the Berlin began to cross by climbing the ‘wall’ and ending up pulling it down.

The Aftermath

Reunification of Germany

The breaking of the Berlin Wall was the first step towards conclusion of the cold war. It led to the German reunions of East and West Germany which was formalized on the 3rd of October in 1990. This event marked the realisation of the known checkpoints dividing Berlin and symbolic for the Cold War geopolitics.

Historical Monuments and Obelisks

In the present world, there are many historical monuments and memorial which are representing the divided past of Berlin. This is the East Side Gallery, a restored section of the existing barrier completed with various paintings. However other location like the Berlin Wall Memorial and Checkpoint Charlie Museum offer more insight into this critical and paramount times in human existence.


Looking at the East and West Berlin of the Cold war map is a stark reminder of the many struggles that characterized the 20th century. By analysing the reasons behind the building of the Berlin Wall, the process of its construction and its demolition people get an idea of the lives in the divided city. Recalling this historical event enables people value the principle of unity, peace and strength of human spirit.

The Cold War: Understanding the Split Between East and West Berlin