Greetings to our new topic, the Cold War era and in particular the Berlin Wall. In this article, those topics include the Berlin Wall’s background, how it was built, the divided city, repercussions, and, at last, dismantlement. Whether you’re a history lover or you’re new to history, this guide will make the comprehension of this important historical event quite clear.
1. Thus one might turn to essay “The Origins of the Berlin Wall”
The Berlin Wall was a physical and a socio-political barrier built by East Germany during the Cold war era. It divided the city of Berlin administrative under western powers entailing the USA, UK and France from the rest of East Berlin and East Germany under soviet union control.
The settlement of the country after the Second World War, which provided for the division of Germany into separate zones under the control of the victorious powers, which gradually transformed into two states with different social systems – the democratic federal republic of West Germany and the socialist German democratic republic of East Germany – stimulated the growth of tensions between two different worlds. These tensions erupted into the cold war, a long political, ideological and to some extent military confrontation between American and the soviet union.
1.1 The erection of the Berlin Wall
To ensure that its citizens did not cross the so-called ‘Iron Curtain’ into the West, the GDR started building a wall dividing East and West Berlin on the night of August, 12 1961. Wires were quickly removed and replaced with a concrete wall that was supported by guard towers and minefields and observation posts. At length the wall was extended forty four miles, thus girdling West Berlin.
1.2 Life in a Divided City
The Berlin Wall was a symbol of the split between freedom and efficiency which the West possessed, and the socialist freedoms and efficiency which were closely controlled in the East. People lost their loved ones, their jobs, and their livelihoods because of this physical barrier.
Apostrophe to the West side of the wall that became a region of a democratic culture, good economy and great development. The Eastern side had a rather disappointing economic and political situation with a rather small amount of freedoms and opportunities that people had under Soviet power.
2. Erasure and Effects and Toppled of Berlin Wall
The building of the Berlin Wall affected people living in Berlin and the entire population of the world adopting the repercussions of that occurrence. Now it is time to discuss some of the major effects.
2.1 Final Failures and Deaths
This was revealed by the fact that many people of East Germany flooded West Germany after construction of the Berlin Wall. Some attempted to scale the wall or to burrow under it; others threw their lives away by attempting to swim across canals. UNFORTUNATELY, lots of people died while trying to make such attempts.
2.2 Symbol of the Cold War
The icon of the Cold war and the separation of East and West was the remnant of the Wall in Berlin. They symbolized the ideologies in the war and the fight for freedom and democracy. The world observed them stiffening and the wall symbolically rising as a structure of the unchanging global political system.
2.Every so often this translates into something beyond peaceful protest or low-intensity conflict, such as the peaceful revolution of 1989 and the fall of the wall.
At the same time the late 1980’s the waves of change started rolling across Eastern Europe. Meanwhile the control of the superpower Soviet Union over its satellites’ started diminishing, thus the eagles yearned for civil liberties and human rights. In East Germany conditions for a peaceful revolution grew and these conditions reached their apex November 9, 1989.
In this historic evening, the East Germany government declared that the people of its nation could cross to the west without restrictions [.]. Many people went to the wall, and with their hammers and chisels, started to knock it down. It considered the end of the Cold War and the beginning of linking both parts of Germany again and unification.
3. Conclusion
The Berlin Wall represents a significant epoch of the Cold War and it incarnates the life dreams and challenges of the people from two sides. Its building and destruction can be well considered as significant phases of earth’s history.
It would be reasonable if students or academic enthusiasts learn the history of the Berlin Wall, what the wall entails socially, and its political effects in the course of the Cold War and freedom fighting. With any luck, the knowledge covered in this guide has offered profound reflections of this epoch and its roles in shaping our contemporary society.