The Berlin Wall, a physical barrier erected in Berlin, Germany, was a significant manifestation of the Cold War division between the Eastern Bloc led by the Soviet Union and the Western Bloc led by the United States. This blog post will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the Berlin Wall’s history, purpose, and impact.
1. What was the Cold War?
The Cold War can be described as post Second World War relations and rivalry between communism led Soviet Union and the democratic United States and their allies.
2. Berlin Wall Construction
The Berlin Wall was built on August 13, 1961 by the East Germany in order to stop people from crossing over to west.
The GDR justified the construction of the barrier as a result of resisting imperialism of the West and controlling the movement of people particularly the talent fauna. Though, the actual purpose was to stop the unprecedented migration and loss of population to West Germany, considered as the capital of ‘per Ospos’ – capitalist affluence.
2.1 Key features of the Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall measures about 155 km (96 mi) long across Berlin. It consisted of two main barriers: outer concrete structure and the secondary barrier inside the building. Between the two walls, there was “death strip”: armed guards and dogs were constantly walking along the space.
Other materials included Watch turrets, floods, and barb wires which helped in enhancing the wall by increasing the level of difficulty of the escape attempts and also the risks involved. Some of the barriers were Checkpoints where East Berliners were searched when attempting to cross to West Berlin.
3. Life under the Wall’s Divide
Berlin Wall mean so much suffering and loss, physical and spiritual suffering that people were separated from their loved ones and friends effectively overnight. That led to the clear separation of the living standard and political climate between East and West Berlin.
In East Germany, the socialist authorities censored media; people’s liberty remained restricted; and anAnyone who dared protest against the system was oppressed. Western Berlin on the other hand had freedom of speech, economy boom and most importantly freedom.
3.1 Attempted Suicides and Other Fatalities
However, using this opened door, east German citizens risked their lives to move to the western side. Escape techniques included digging of tunnels, sliding over the wall or hiding in a car, or even swimming over the Berlin Spree river.
Sadly though, not everyone got their bets right. About 140 persons perished on the wall attempting to cross it through shooting, accidents or through suicide, etc. These sad occurrences were a grim illustration of the goal Wall fulfilled.
4. The Fall of the Berlin Wall
Since the reunification arrangement was one of responsibility and payment instead of debt, the break did not come until the symbolic moment of November 9, 1989 when the Berlin Wall came tumbling down. Prior to 1989, there was immense pressure of reunification cum free from East Germany from inside East Germany as well as outside pressures.
These events include; peaceful protest, new leadership, and alterations in the restrictions of travelling, among others assisted in the opening of the wall. They say that it marked the end of the Cold War and the triumph of human spirit, this historical event.
4.1 Reunification and its Consequences
It allowed the reunification of Germany after getting SED’s permission formally on October 3 rd , 1990. Berlin is a world city of today, arising from a city being split in two know as East and West Berlin, and the german wall that came with it.
5. Today, remembering the Berlin Wall The task is about recognizing the Berlin Wall today which was inaugurated in Berlin on August 13th, 1961.
The sites, museums and memorials of the divided Check Point Charlie and remain fragments of the Berlin Wall, remind both the importance of remembering history, as well as Berlin’s chaotic past within the twentieth century.
The above explained tourist attractions provide an insightful visit into this period and bring you closer to the lives of people buried in the cold darkness of oppression and the power of freedom that conquered the tyrannical wall.
5.1 Berlin Wall as a Lesson
Now that the Berlin Wall is a thing of the past it should serve as a reminder of the lessons of history. It reminds the peoples of the world the fundamental values of respect for human rights, cooperation among nations and the need to avoid new barriers to relations.
Based on our failure in the past we can all try to aim for the best by achieving understanding rather than division.
If you plan to see Berlin or if, like me, you had this chance without spending hours studying the events unfold at home, the Berlin Wall narrative presents the visitor with the lessons of struggling with global politics and the strength of the human spirit.
Final Thoughts
It was not only a physical symbol but the world divide itself which lay between the East and the West for nearly three decades. This, the construction and the fall, are part of history that serves as a turning point in history.
We trust that you’ve got a clear understanding of the subject, having read this blog post on the topic of the Berlin Wall, its construction, reasons, and consequences of its existence. It is always important that people should be reminded of the past so as to discern improvement and avoid repeating wrong doings.