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Rezensionen für Cold War Museum Berlin

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Cold War Tour Berlin

Do you have any desire to comprehend about a Cold War and its importance in the history? If that is the case, it may be highly beneficial for you to visit Cold War Museum Berlin. In this particular blog post, the author will describe the museum and its main exhibits and offer some useful pieces of advice on how to spend a great time there.

1. Walking through the Cold War Museum Berlin

The Cold War Museum Berlin is an interesting museum that stores, exhibits and disseminates items, documents and any information related to the period immediately after the Second World War up to the early 1990s. This institution provides a choice for the visitors to understand the so-called Cold War, to realize the Mistakes of the World and Europe in particular.

2. Assuming You are Planning on Visiting the Cold War Museum Berlin, here Are Some Of the Best Attractions You Should Check out

2.1 Exhibits

They include concrete objects and artifacts, documents and records, monuments, sculptures, paintings, photographs, and films that shaped or narrated the Cold War story. You will learn about original military equipments and vehicles alongside personal items and propaganda materials to enable you get an out-bowl view of the period. Some notable exhibits include:

Checkpoint Charlie: Visit a reconstructed border crossing point and find out about the relations of the East and West Berlin.

Living in the Cold War: Discover how the people in East and West Germany lived and the difference in their systems and beliefs.

Arms Race: Learn more about the technologies and weapons that two super powers accumulated during the Cold War.

End of the Cold War: Learn about that moment in history before the reunification of Germany when the wall came down.

2.2 Guided Tours

In order to maximize your experience you can take the tour of the house with the guide. There are many interesting tours with professional guides, who explain a lot of interesting facts and occurrences connected with the exhibits. This is a great opportunity to increase your knowledge of the period known as the Cold War and also to address yourselves to any questions you are interested in.

3. Tourist Information When Visiting Cold War Museum Berlin

3.1 Plan your visit in advance

Before coming to the museum it is recommended to go to its official site to get the information regarding the opening hours, the price of the ticket, and special exhibitions and events taking place at the museum. It is always good to make an early plan in order to avoid many people around thus make sure that you take your time to visit all the areas of the museum.

3.2 Allocate sufficient time

I found that the main exhibit at Cold War Museum Berlin I was interested in could fill hours of reading and viewing. Ideally, it is better to devote half a day to the building and an additional half a day to see other interesting objects in the chosen area. This will afford the visitor ample time to go round the exhibition, have guided tours and fully understand the background.

3.3 Engage with the exhibits

When present in the museum, make sure to read booklet, watch videos and engage with installations as much as you can. It will help you interact with the realities of the Cold War in a more extensive manner through the narratives of individuals who want to share their cold war experiences with you before viewing any other relics.

3.4 Some provide a paper and pencil, or an audio guide.

If one loves to jot down points, or prefers to be directed, then one can take a notebook along or listen to what the museum offers in an audio tour manner. By doing this, you be in a position of being able to recall as well as remember those other pieces of detail and information that you found so interesting.

3.5 Record memories actively

Taking pictures is allowed in most of the portion of the museum. However, it should be remembered not to irritate other people and do not touch the exhibits. Do not use flash in case it can harm fragile pieces, and remember that any picture taking might be prohibited in some parts.

4. Conclusion

Cold War Museum Berlin provides a stimulating experience and a crash course into social experiment. On studying the exhibits and watching the provided information, a viewer can learn more about the clash of ideologies that determined the world. Organise yourself, set time aside and take time to wonder through the galleries to effectively enjoy the visit.

Rezensionen für Cold War Museum Berlin