It refers to state of conflict between the two superpowers in the world, the United States and the Soviet Union, that began in 1947 and continued till 1991. Of particular significance of this period was the construction of the Berlin Wall. This article will focus on elaborating on the effects of the Berlin Wall in a way that shared a number of adverse effects on the lovers of the Cold War.
SIGustering the Wall: The Construction of the Berlin Wall
In August the year 1961, the GDR commenced constructing a barrier in the sector of East and West Berlin. The Berlin Wall acted as a barrier in the city splitting it into east Berlin which was under communism regime and west Berlin which was under democracy rule. II As stated the official rationale behind the building of the Wall was to prevent East Germans from leaving to West Germany or West Berlin and to protect the socialist state from the influence from the west.
Thus the berlin wall split peoples apart even more then physically divided the city. Soon it translated itself as the confrontation of the Cold War between communists and capitalists, the barrier that divided Europe cutting it into the East and the West.
The Impact on East Berlin
The creation of wall divided the city into two part and East Berlin was pulled apart by this decision of East Germany. People were separated from their families and many of the Eastern Germans were living in a crackdown dictatorship. The wall playing its part to completely isolate east Germans from the economic and political prospects of the western countries.
Since their detachment from the affluent West by the wall, living conditions in East Berlin became impoverished. Due to the limitation of moving around and contacting other people they felt lonely and deprived from information and knowledge from the rest of the world.
Economic Consequences
On the other hand, as with any vise, as East Berlin struggled economically, West Berlin bloomed. Holding freedom, democracy, and capitalism in the middle of the communism country, East Germany, West Berlin enjoyed investment and emerged as a city representing freedom of West. That situation pitted poorly against the living standard in West Germany and was a constant symbol of the inability of the Soviet system.
Escaping Efforts /number of Dead
The Berlin Wall developed into a lethal barrier for those who were aspiring to flee the East Germany country. The GDR laid out an elaborate border control mechanism comprising of the divided path – the death strip accompanied with barb wire and watch towers, and armed personnel. So many people died while trying to seek refuge in the western world.
The Cold War Escalates
The building the Berlin wall again aggravated the already strained relations between the United States of America and the Soviet Union. Division of the Berlin was sort of representation towards further division of Europe and the world into two equal halves for rivalry. The western leaders regarded the wall as an expression of the aggression of the socialist system whereas the Soviet leaders regarded the wall as being necessary to protect their socialist society.
The Berlin Wall and its implications raised the odds for direct armed conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union. In return the United States escalated the defense commitment in West Germany, which in turn created an arms race to increase tension on both sides.
Symbol of Cold War Division
Although the wall was demolished 1989 it symbolized the Cold War division of Germany and the world for almost 28 years. It also served as the ideological symbolism and that physical wall that divided east from west.
The actual breakdown of the Cold War was once marked with the falling of the Berlin wall in 1989. The easing of the two Germany and the break up of Soviet Union in 1991 brought in a new changes in the international relations.
Construction of the wall around the Berlin in 1961 was in a way a start of the ending to the cold war. It pointed at the different system of values between the East and the West and increased tensions in the relations between the USA and USSR. The wall represented the oppression back in black and white days and grew into an emblem of the Soviet system’s failure. Finally, the fall of the wall marked the end of the war and, indeed, social changes in the geo-political map of the world.