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Did the Berlin Wall Fall in the Cold War?

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Cold War Tour Berlin

The Berlin Wall was a material barrier that divided two Berlin cities of East and West in the era of the Cold War. It was erected by the German Democratic Republic (GDR) to ensure no citizens escaped to the west of the state. The Wall emerged as part of the divided earth, but did it crumble during the Cold war?

Background of the Cold War

The Cold war could be described as a state of hostility between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet socialist republics from the end of the Second World War in 1945 to the break up of the Soviet Union in 1991. It was characterized by the political, economic and military struggle with each of the two super powers seeking to impose its system on the rest of the world.

The Wall at Berlin

Construction began in the year 1961 with formation of the Berlin Wall. Soviet supported GDR government’s major policy was to stop people of East Germany from moving to the West Germany as thousands were migrating due to political repression and economic difficulties. This Wall was erected in the one night and separated family members and friends, isolated West Berlin from the rest of the GDR territory.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall

The working paper at hand focuses on the event of the fall of the Berlin Wall which is usually associated with the termination of the Cold War. But it expires and did not occur during the cold war. The Berlin Wall came down on November 9 1989, This remain one of the key moment in European history and the reunification of Germany.

Events Leading to the Fall

The fall of the Berlin Wall was a result of various factors, including:

  • Peaceful Protests: In the period before the autumn several non-violent rallies for freedom and democracy were held in several East-German cities. These protests continue and later culminated in the opening of the border crossings and the subsequent collapse of the Wall.
  • Political Changes: Soviet Union was in the process of changes in its internal affairs as well. Mikhail Gorbachev was a leader of the Soviet Union began practicing policies of openness and restructuring referred to as glasnost ‘ and perestroika ‘ respectively for the Soviet Bloc nations. All these changes had an indirect impact towards the circumstances in East Germany.
  • International Pressure: Other developed countries such as the United States had for along time condemned the division of Germany and the suppressing rule of East Germany. This paper has shown that the pressure brought to bear on the GDR government by the international community contributed to the pull down of the wall.

The Fall of the Wall

Government spokesma

n reported incorrectly on November 9, 1989 that East Germans could move to West Berlin without any hindrance. Many East Germans gathered at the Wall and when guards pause for a moment, people broke through Wall. This caused numerous festivities and led to the destruction of the Wall by people and border troops.

Impact of the Fall

The fall of the Berlin Wall had significant political, social, and economic consequences:

  • German Reunification: The event of tearing down the Wall led to the German reunification in 1990, the unification of east and West Germany. This culminated into the breaking of the GDR and the creation of a new entity of a german state.
  • End of the Cold War: The break up of the Berlin Wall marked the Cold War physical divide between the United States and Soviet Union. The Cold War period was official declared over in 1991 after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.
  • Global Repercussions: Changes motivated by the events concerning the fall of the Wall influenced the world. It led to formation of other protestors in other Eastern Bloc countries, which in results saw the overthrow of communism all over the East.
  • Symbol of Freedom: After a while , Berlin Wall has transformed into an icon of liberty and amalgamation. They remain an indication of barriers that existed, and persons’ ability to surmount them in today’s life.


The Berlin Wall did collapse during the cold war but that was not infact caused by the cold war between USA and USSR. These internal and external factors were the protestors marches to the wall, the change of political power and the pressure from other nations. It signified the start of a new chapter which later brought German reunion and in effect the cold war revolution.

Did the Berlin Wall Fall in the Cold War?