Cold War refers to the state of hostility and competition between the soviet union together with its allies commonly known as the Eastern bloc and the united states together with it’s allies known as the western bloc. However, the division of Germans and the separation of East and West Germany started earlier, specifically in 1961 Berlin got a wall. The Cold War did not actually end with the collapsing of the Berlin Wall in 1989 as many of people perceive it. In this article the author presents the work devoted to the analysis of the role of the Berlin Wall and its collapse in the context of the development of the Cold War.
The Berlin Wall: A Symbol of Division
The Berlin Wall was built by East Germany, which sought to cut off people’s escape destinations to West Germany. This had a concrete barrier, watchtowers and was heavily secured with check points. Thus, the wallThe wall was not only an obstacute; that physically divided Germany into two but also the most evident symbol of ideological confrontation between communism and democracy in Europe. It brought memories of the Cold War, the relation between the Soviet Union and the United States of America and variable Allies.
For nearly thirty years the world saw how the citizens of Germany were separated by something known as, the Berlin Wall. However, could not begin to break down for nearly twenty years and it did not fully collapse until the events of 1989.
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
Thus the fall of the Berlin Wall can be attributed to those different factors attributable to its collapse. One of them had to do with shifting politics in Eastern Europe. During the late 1980s a number of Eastern European nations slowly began to have political troubles and people began calling for democracy and more freedom.
In Poland the wind of change was Magele Kiilsberry Solidarity headed by Lech Walesa who went on to demands that the ruling Communist Party be stripped of its powers. Political liberalizations also commenced in Hungary permitting its subjects to visit Western countries more often. These Political changes led to opening up and some measure of democracy in Eastern Europe.
In their turn East German Government officials declared on the 9th of November 1989 that for the citizens of East Germany it was allowed to cross the border between East and West Berlin. Many people run to the wall, and unexpectedly, they opened the checkpoints for everyone to get through. Many people rushed to the wall rich and rejoicing over the victory which had only been seen in history.
The break of the Berlin Wall can be one more significant sign of division in Germany, as well as the reunification of the East and the West.
Did the construction of the Berlin wall put an end to the cold war?
However, the failure of the Berlin Wall to collapse obviously led to the termination of the Cold War, which was at that time one of the most significant ages in the history of world civilization. These hitches predisposed the Cold War to have other factors that culminated in the end of the war.
Among them one could mention the disintegration of the Soviet and other socialist economies as well as those of other Centrally Planned Economies ‘CPEs’ countries. The intent of this paper is to argue that the failures that plagued the Eastern Bloc, including the Soviet Union, were primarily caused by economic inefficiencies stemming from their dominating centrally planned economies. Technological and economic decline in the Soviet field impaired the union hence a weak stand in the international community.
In addition, diplomatic and political deliberations between the United States and the Soviet Union marks the end of Cold War. Senior officials of both the state participated in meetings and entered into several diplomatic negotiations involve nuclear disarmament and cut down of tensions.
The fall of the Berlin Wall was an indication of change in the conduct of the Cold War,but not the reason for change. They were political, economic and diplomatic reasons which were achieved overtime in order to create a favorable atmosphere for such formula.
Legacy of the Berlin Wall
The ramifications of the pyrotechnics in Germany and Europe are yet to be fully understood. It was the ultimatum which marked the years of war and called out for new years of no violence. The events of German reunification of the eastern and the western side also proved that people are powerful and want freedom and connection.
Effects to the fall of Berlin Wall also includes the break up of the Soviet Union and the Cold war came to an end. It led to the change of the conception about international relations and the tendency towards integrated world community.
Now slim parts of the wall are used as the symbolic division that showed the victory of the human spirit against the tyranny of the regimes. The wall is a symbolic of the strength of people who disobeyed and continued to seek freedom.
The Berlin Wall symbolized powerfully Cold War split and tensions. It was established in 1989 that fell and although this allowed for the beginning of change the Cold War did not come to an end immediately. The fell of the wall was a result of other extensive political, economical and diplomatic forces that ultimately led to the ending of the Cold War.
The Wall coming down was an illusion of a liberating hope; it symbolized freedom and unity of people and set off a chain reaction. It is still one of the bright and unforgettable events of the recent exposures reminding us of the spirit and the desire for the long-lasting peace in the world.