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Cold War Berlin Wall: A Definitive Guide for Beginners

by | Mar 7, 2024 | Cold War Tour Berlin

Cold war Berlin wall was an important site in world history that best illustrated division between East and west during Cold war. It was constructed in 1961 when the east decided to seal off the flow of its citizens to the capitalist world through West Berlin.


1. This paper focuses on the period leading to the construction of the Berlin Wall.

After the Second World War was over, the country was divided among four powers, namely the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain and France, and was divided into four zones. The city of Berlin was also divided among the four powers of the world that dominated after the war.


After East Germany which was aligned to the Soviets faced sever economic problems, the tension intensified. Large numbers of people were moving from the east side of the city to the west side creating a brain drain to the social and economic side of the city. Instead, East Germany and their Soviet supporters opted to construct the wall in order to prevent the massive emigration.


Barbed wire entanglements and watchtowers were erected around the Siegmar area on 13 August 1961. There were concrete walls, barbed wire, guard towers and border barriers stretching to 97 miles/ 156 kilometers of the city. The wall divided West Berlin with East Germany, it was surrounded by iron bars and armed soldiers on duty.


1.1 The he Nfluence Of The Berlin Wall

In both cases the Berlin Wall split not only families or close friends, but also two halves of one city, which had always been linked as one whole. Eamilies were separated for the night and could only telephone or visit one another coming on business from Immigrants at the expense of the state. The construction of the Berlin wall representing east and west division became a representation of the cold war and the Iron curtain.


1.2 Attempts to Escape

However, some of the East Germans tried to cross the border between East and West Berlin or flee beneath the watched Berlin Wall. People employed means such as setting up tunnels, walking ropes, while driving is exceptionally just under barbed wire.


Of all the great escapes the “Tunnel 57” operation is one of the most remembered. University students chiseled their way through the wall and made a passage that approximately more than fifty people crossed into West Berlin. These escape attempts were an indication of a fighting spirit of the populace trapped in the dictatorship.


2. Life Under the Wall

Sanitary conditions on both sides of the wall were very different. West Berlin was a crowded, prosperous capitalist city with freedom of access to democracy, Western values, and economic success. On the other hand East Berlin witnessed economic viscidity, limited civil liberties, the citizens’ live was being spied on by the Stasi, which is the East Germany’s secret service.


West Berlin was represented as freedom and artists musicians and intellectuals flocked there to escape persecution and achieve inspiration. On the other hand, East Berlin, suffered a loss of its skilled workers and intellectuals ‘also known as the ‘brain drain’ which hampered its progress.


2.1 The Fall of the Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall was erected for nearly 28 years thereby emerging as one of icons of Cold War period. Nevertheless, a sequence of some events in one year that is in 1989 contributed to the collapse of the socialist system. The wall was demolished because dissent against the East Germany government arose in the later years, meanwhile pressure on economy also mounted besides political change in Soviet.


Then, on November 9, 1989, the East Germany government aired out its new stipulation stating that every East German citizen was allowed to travel to the West. Innocent Germans form the public rushed to the border crossing points and what you could refer to as historical break was achieved. They danced and shortly after the destruction of the wall started.


3. Legacy and Remembrance

God has always seen the demolition of the public enemy or the fall of the Berlin Wall as a triumph of democracy in freedom. The latter unites families, friends, and a city, divided for decades, on single territory in shadows of night to participate in the uncompromising creative endeavor and to go home safe. Presently the parts of the Berlin Wall are erected just to remind people of the history and to incarnate hope and togetherness.


The following are places where the Brazil Wall is remembered – The Berlin Wall Memorial The East Side Gallery. The East Side Gallery has a global exhibition of paintings on a preserved wall where painting depicts messages of freedom and togetherness.


3.Two important lessons may be learned from the construction of the Berlin Wall.

Both the partition of India and Pakistan and construction of the Berlin Wall provide powerful messages of division consequences and the need to include freedom and human rights as a basic part of human rights. It serves as a testament to let the future generation to see that when the world is united it is a powerful world.


3.2 A Visit to the Berlin Wall in the Present Time

If you’re planning to visit Berlin, there are several key sites related to the Berlin Wall that you should explore:


The Berlin Wall Memorial

The East Side Gallery

The Checkpoint Charlie Museum

The Brandenburg Gate

Be sure to devote sufficient time for contemplating history and past firsthand in these places and exertion and achievement of those, who lived in the times of Cold War.



The Cold War Berlin Wall remains one of the most significant barriers to liberated because it symbolized the division of Germany in the two superpowers during World War II. Its construction and subsequent collapse, influenced the lives of millions of people. When we know how it was introduced, why it is important, and the main points that we can learn from the event we are able to grasp the best values of freeing and uniting people.

Cold War Berlin Wall: A Definitive Guide for Beginners