It is evidenced that World War II had a great impact on the Social and demographic history of Berlin. During the war, Berlin was the capital of Nazi Germany and was the political, economical, cultural center of the state. Therefore, this article seeks to present historical perspective of Berlin in the Second World War and the effect that war had on the city and people of Berlin.
1. The Significance of Berlin and The Rise of Nazi Germany
The world war II began in 1939, and before that, in the period up to 1933, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party were in charge in Germany. Here, Hitler lodged his regime, in the capital city of Berlin. It also became evident that it wasn’t only the political epicenter but also a representation of the Nazis’ dominance.
The Germany under the rule of the Nazi government reconstructed Berlin’s physical appearance with impressive structures such as the Reich Chancellery and the Olympic Stadium. These architectural structures gave out the regime power hungry energy and need to control.
2. The Battle of Berlin
Berlin driving campaign of the last days of world war two of the greatest strategic operations of the war took place between April 16 and May 2 1945. The fierce invaders – the Soviet Union – unleashes a largest military strike on the city effectively bringing about the downfall of the Nazi Germany.
With the fights, there were many losses and numerous incidents of devastation. A number of structures and many most ancient architectures were brought to the ground. Today if one visits Berlin there are some areas that will still show some form of scar that the battle left behind.
2.1. The Impact on Civilians
Non-combatants in the city of Berlin endured a lot during the conduct of the battle of Berlin. Bombs, grenades, heavy automatic weapons and tank shelling as well as close quarter shooting led to a lot of confusion and havoc. It was a disaster many lost their homes, family and friends.
When the Soviet forces approached, thousands of Berliners leaving their homes and city in search of safer places and to avoid being caught in the cross fire. But those who stayed alive, experienced a very long and terrible fight. Again food and consumable items were very hard to come by and daily life activities bore the brunt of it.
3. The Division of Berlin
After the end of the WW II, Germany was partitioned into four zones occupied by the Allies of the Second World War. Like Warsaw, the German capital, Berlin, was also enclosed entirely within the borders of the Soviet sphere, and it also had divided in four zones.
The partition of Berlin Mapped out the severance of relationship between the United States, Great Britain, and France, and the Soviet Union, which catapulted the world into the cold war era. Scholars concluded that after the build-up of the Berlin Wall the divided city turned into new centre of political and ideological battles.
3.1. The Berlin Wall
October of 1961 marked the construction of a wall that divided the United States’ occupied Berlin city into two; east and west. The wall split the communities in the geographic sense, separate family members, and friends. The wall was a symbol of the Iron Curtain that separated the West from the East; democracy from communism.
The Berlin Wall was there before November 1989 when several protests finally paved for the destruction of the wall. The breakdown of the wall provided a perfect breakthrough to German reunification and became symbolic.
4. Rebuilding and Modern Berlin
It was yearning for a reunion after thirty five years of division and after World War the Berlin was destroyed and it was a very big challenge for it to rebuild itself for the betterment. Some workings were done in an attempt to repair things like the Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag building.
And in the course of the years, Berlin changed into one of those active and brightly designing Cities where historic buildings are still to be found side by side with twentieth-century constructions. Today’s guests can observe the fact that Berlin is indeed a city of endurance where people manage to start over.
4.1. Memorials and Museums
In Berlin there are quite many sites that are memorable and tell the story of the Second World War. It is still possible to discover the history of the Second World War in Berlin learning from the Holocaust Memorial, the German Historical Museum and the Topography of Terror, for example.
5. Remembering the Past
A lot can be learned from the occurrences of World War II, and failure to recognize this is likely to have a repeat of a calamity. Historic monuments in Berlin give a rather chilling account of the effects of war and dictatorship.
It offers travelers an inspiring chance to experience the historical sites in Berlin and learn the role of the place in WWII. Many people believe that it’s possible to learn from history and thereby improve the future world.
During World War II Berlin faced drastic changes cumulating from the influx of Nazi regime to the dramatic fighting of the Battle of Berlin. The Cold War split the city and its subsequent reconstruction influenced its current image.
Visiting museums, memorials and historical places of Berlin in the given historical period gives an opportunity to learn about war and pay respects to the people who gоt through those terrible years.
Whilst walking around the modern day Berlin the visitor can see that the city is now very much on the move; it has risen from the ruins determined not to allow what happened to occur again but at the same time not forgetting.